Dead Space 2 Box Art

Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2 is an upcoming sequel to the third-person shooter / horror game series developed by Visceral Games and published by EA. It will be released for all three major gaming platforms on January 25th, 2011 simultaneously. The game has a single-player and several multiplayer modes.

Players will once again take control of the spaceship engineer Isaac Clarke. Three years have passed since the events of the first game, and Clarke is being held in a mental ward on a massive space city called “the Sprawl” located on the remains of Saturn’s satellite Titan. The game starts with a Necromorph outbreak on the station and Clarke being released from the asylum to kick some ass.

Dead Space 2 has new gameplay elements like zero-g environments, as well as even more creative and brutal ways of Necromorph destruction. Impale and pin them to the wall with the new Javelin Gun, and follow up with electrocution or blow the abominations into space. Make sure to hit the emergency shutter button to close the breach before you get ejected as well.

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