Trapped aboard the USG Ishimura is Isaac Clarke in Dead Space, an action survival-horror game initially released in 2008 and remade in 2023. While aboard your ship you receive a distress call from a nearby ship, upon arrival at the scene you quickly discover that something has gone horribly wrong. There is no sign of human life on the ship but you’re certainly not alone.
Developed by Motive Studio and published by Electronic Arts, Dead Space will be playable on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows this winter.
The remake comes with a massive graphical overhaul that completely separates it from the original. Improvements to lighting, textures and even sound have been done to amplify immersion.
One major difference aside from graphics is the protagonist Isaac Clarke being fully voiced, something that wasn’t present in the original.
Some new game mechanics have been added to make the experience less familiar, such as the Intensity Director. This mechanic ramps up the tension by adding suspenseful sounds and movements as well as occasional attacks.
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