Monark is a new JRPG Developed and published by FuRyu studio set in a school plagued by a mysterious daemonic presence. A madness-inducing mist lingers through Shin Mikado Academy and it’s up to the true student council to get to the bottom of it.
Monark will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft Windows next Spring.
You play as an unnamed hero who happens to be head of the council. Being the head of the true student council you must harness your power of Daemons to destroy the pacts and rid the school of the mist.
Pick an ally to help you along the way and craft your story as each ally offers a unique story direction. The game features multiple endings so each choice can trigger a surprising twist of fate.
Combat is turn-based and relies on the Ego system. The Ego meter is based on your actions and choices throughout the game and will in turn affect enemy encounters.
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