The latest installment in the Final Fantasy series is here in Final Fantasy XVI. This addition to the long-running action RPG franchise will mark the 35-year anniversary of the series and will be a PlayStation 5 exclusive release. Developed by Creative Business Unit III and published by Square Enix, follow a thrilling narrative set in the mythical world of Valisthea, a region blessed and cursed with powerful energy known as Aether. Aether is the energy released by the Mothercrystals and is the source of magic and life for the inhabitants of Valisthea such as the Eikons.
Final Fantasy XVI will be available this summer with a release date set for June 22nd, 2023. The game will be released exclusively on the PlayStation 5 and won’t be released on other platforms in the near future.
Embark on an epic journey as you assume the role of Clive Rosfield, the dominant of the dark Eikon Ifrit and the eldest son of the archduke of Rosario. Having failed to inherit the Eikon Phoenix with the Eikon being passed to his brother Joshua, Clive must dedicate his life as the First Shield of Rosaria to protecting his younger brother and the Eikon Phoenix.
Dominants in Final Fantasy XVI are elite warriors capable of harnessing the power of Eikons which they can summon into the real world to help them in intense real-time battles.
During gameplay in Final Fantasy 16, you will take control of Clive as he explores a fantasy world filled with multiple zones while accompanied by his AI-controlled companions who will aid him in intense Eikon battles. Some of the companions you will encounter throughout the game include Hugo Kupka and Jill Warrick.
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